Fisheries, Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems
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Twelfth SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting

12–14 May 2020, Virtual meeting 


The SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting provides technical oversight of all SPC work in the field of fisheries and aquaculture, as well as an opportunity to discuss in detail topics of special interest. It covers both of SPC's Fisheries Programmes: Oceanic and Coastal.

The Heads of Fisheries meeting is intended to cover the entire range of work of national and territorial fisheries administrations.


HOF12 Outcomes
(19 May 2020)

pdf: 80 KB

Working papers

WP1: Progress report against outcomes from HoF 11 pdf: pdf

WP2: Overview of FAME priorities and direction pdf: pdf

WP3: Results reporting against FAME Business Plan – 2019 pdf: pdf

WP4: Scaling-up community-based fisheries management in a COVID-19 context pdf: pdf

WP5: Report to HoF12 from the 3rd SPC Regional Technical Meeting on Coastal Fisheries pdf: pdf

WP6: Review of the Coastal Fisheries Working Group and options and recommendations for increasing
the engagement of non-state actors in Pacific Islands’ regional coastal fisheries governance pdf: pdf

Background papers

BP1: Outcomes from HoF11pdf: pdf

BP2: FAME Business Plan (version 3)pdf: pdf

BP3: Regional framework on aquatic biosecuritypdf: pdf

BP4: RTMCF3 Action Plan pdf: pdf

BP5: Progress of the proposal to the Green Climate Fund on adapting tuna-dependent Pacific Island
communities and economies to climate change pdf: pdf

Informal papers

IP1: HoF12 virtual meeting agenda pdf: pdf

IP2: HoF12 virtual meeting procedurespdf: pdf

IP3: HoF12 Provisional list of participantspdf: pdf

IP4: HoF12 Participant feedback survey resultspdf: pdf

PowerPoint presentations and movies

Teaser to "Reimaanlok – Looking towards the future", a movie from the Marshall Islands
that will be released on June the 8th for Ocean's DayPlay the movie movie

The 12th SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting was supported by the Australian Government and implemented by SPC

RTMCF3 sponsor

Last Updated on Monday, 21 September 2020 15:36

