Priority adaptations to climate change for fisheries and aquaculture in the Cook Islands:
reducing risks and capitalising on opportunities
SPC, Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources and AusAID
25-26 June 2013 Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Workshop background, objectives, expected outcomes and agenda 180 ko
Workshop summary and outcomes 400 ko
Presentations made during the workshop (link)
Together with Cook Island’s Ministry of Marine Resources and AusAID, SPC’s FAME Division organised a workshop in Rarotonga from 25-26 June 2013 to help stakeholders in the Cook Islands' fisheries and aquaculture sector identify priority adaptation actions to climate change.
The objectives of the workshop were to allow participants to work closely with technical experts to:
- understand the direct and indirect effects of climate change, including potential disasters, and ocean acidification on oceanic, coastal and freshwater fish stocks and aquaculture production;
- identify the implications of the projected changes to fisheries and aquaculture activities for food security, livelihoods and economic development;and
- choose and prioritise the adaptations and policies needed to build the resilience of enterprises and communities to the projected threats and to equip them to take advantage of the potential opportunities.
Last Updated on Monday, 30 March 2015 16:25 |