Project funded by
The SciCOFish project provides a reliable and improved scientific basis for management and decision making in oceanic and coastal fisheries, giving P-ACP countries the means to develop efficient management measures, the skills to monitor their effectiveness, and some important tools to combat IUU fishing on the high seas.
The oceanic activities provide scientific support for new tuna management initiatives adopted by P-ACPs at a critical time for conservation of the stocks, in particular, intensive observer training and enhancement of national fishing activity databases.The coastal activities are focused on projects combining an urgent resource management issue with a strong local capability to address the issue and maintain a long-term programme.
Le marché aux poissons heureux de Koror
Lora, Alfred et 7 autres collègues se pressent de bon matin pour ne pas manquer l’arrivée des pêcheurs. L’équipe est au complet pour inventorier les loches, perroquets ou vivaneaux qui ont été ramenés du lagon cette nuit : on identifie les espèces, on les mesure avec hâte, car les acheteurs sont là, le Happy Fish Market est déjà en effervescence. Et ce ne sont pas quelques enquêteurs qui vont perturber la routine empressée des commerçants et des clients de cette infrastructure dont le nom peut se traduire sympathiquement par « le marché aux poissons heureux ».
Mise à jour le Mercredi, 07 Janvier 2015 09:30 |
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Purse-seine fish ID cards for Pacific Islands Regional Fisheries Observers (PIRFO)
These identification cards have been produced to help with the identification of fish species encountered by Fisheries Observers while onboard commercial tuna purse seiners that fish in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). The species included in these cards are the ones commonly recorded by observers on tuna purse seine vessels operating in the WCPO.
Mise à jour le Jeudi, 18 Décembre 2014 09:39 |
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Regional Co-operation Goes Hand-in-Hand with Sustainable Fisheries
The Pacific Heads of Fisheries, meeting in Samoa, have reviewed and given directions for the Devfish2* and SciCOFish** projects’ final years of operation.
The Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) provides support to the fisheries sector through these EU-funded projects that are benefitting fishing communities, industry bodies, national government departments and the region as a whole.
Mise à jour le Vendredi, 16 Mai 2014 15:12 |
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Sea cucumbers: a response to the poor status of stocks in the Pacific
SPC is issuing a series of country reports for the Cook Islands, Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga and Vanuatu covering the status of sea cucumber resources and related management recommendations. While these coastal invertebrates are generally in decline, the situation in each country calls for specific recommendations.
Mise à jour le Mercredi, 11 Février 2015 09:13 |
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