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Future of Fisheries: Roadmap and Report Cards
The Regional Roadmap for Sustainable Fisheries, endorsed in 2015 by the Pacific Islands Forum Leaders, set seven clear goals for oceanic and coastal fisheries for the following ten years, as well as indicators that can be used to measure progress. To achieve these goals will require commitment to 11 strategies that will allow the Region to take control of the future of its fisheries. As a Regional Roadmap, the strategies outlined is be facilitated through regional agencies (primarily the Forum Fisheries Agency and the Pacific Community) working together.
The Coastal Fishery Report Card provides annual high-level reporting on the current status of Pacific coastal fisheries in relation to the goals, indicators and strategies adopted in the Regional Roadmap. The Report Card, which was initiated in 2015, provides a snapshot to enable fisheries stakeholders and political leaders to monitor progress on implementing the Roadmap. The Report Card for 2016 is the first to report against key indicators for each of the Roadmap result areas. As such, it provides a baseline to track future progress against the ten-year timeframe for the Roadmap.
The annual Tuna Fishery Report Card provides a high-level overview of the current status of Pacific tuna fisheries in relation to key goals, indicators and strategies adopted in the Roadmap. Launched in 2015, the report cards take account of the work of the Taskforce on Increasing Economic Returns from Fisheries, established by the Forum Leaders when they endorsed the Future of Fisheries Roadmap to develop a programme supporting real, measurable results within five years.
Download the Roadmap and Report Cards from here:
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