8th SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting
and Meetings for the EU Funded SciCOFish and GEF OFMP2 Projects
4 to 8 March 2013
8th SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting (4–8 March 2013)
Meeting Outcomes 180ko
Link to the presentations made during the Meeting (click here)
Informal Papers |
Provisional Agenda 150ko
Provisional list of participants 180ko
Working Papers |
WP 1 - Status of coastal fisheries Report 2013 84ko and Annex 1.8Mo
WP 2 - Draft Tuna fishery assessment Report 2012 4.5Mo
WP 3 - FAME Division Annual Report 2012 3.6Mo
WP 4 - FAME Division Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 2.0Mo
WP 5 - Work in progress towards the development of a regional aquatic biosecurity framework for PICTs - by SPC/FAO 330ko
WP 6 - Deepwater snapper - Improved stock assessments and management 170ko
WP 7 - Effective management of sea cucumber fisheries and bêche-de-mer trade in Melanesia: bringing the industry under rational control - by C. Carleton et al. 470ko
WP 8 - Managing sea cucumber fisheries using stock biomass estimates to set spatial catch quotas: Experience from New Caledonia and Vanuatu - by M. Léopold et al. 250ko
WP 9 - The need for standardisation of underwater resources assessment in the Pacific Island sea cucumber fisheries - by K. Pakoa et al. 320ko
WP 10 - Increasing the value of sea cucumber harvests by improving postharvest processing of fishers - by S. Purcell 360ko
Information Papers
IP 1 - Meeting Arrangements 153Ko
IP 2 - FAME 2013 draft Work Plan 380Ko
IP 3 - Draft SPC Regional Aquaculture Strategy 850Ko
IP 4 - Proceedings of the Workshop on "Priority adaptations to climate change for Pacific fisheries and aquaculture", 5–8 June 2012 6.8Mo
IP 5 - EU market access regulatory compliance for Pacific Island countries and territories - by F. Blaha 150ko
IP 6 - Sea cucumber fisheries: global analysis of stocks, management measures and drivers of overfishing - by S. Purcell et al. (Link to Abstract)
IP 7 - Outcomes of the SPC Informal Consultation with Heads of Fisheries, Noumea 4th June 2012 150ko
IP 8 - Project update: Quantifying range contraction in Pacific pelagics 3.7Mo
SciCOFish Third Steering Committee Meeting (March 2013)
Report of the second Steering Committee of the EU-funded SciCOFish project 725ko
Monitoring Report of the EU-funded SciCOFish project - 2012 20ko
Year 3 Progress Report and Year 4 Work Plan for the EU-funded SciCOFish project 1.8Mo
SPC/FFA Consultation on the GEF "Implementation of Global and Regional Oceanic Fisheries Conventions and Related Instruments in the Pacific Small Island Developing States (OFMP2)" project (March 2013)
Summary of discussions 740ko
Link to the presentations made during the Consultation (click here)
Draft Programme 128ko
Project identification form (PIF) and progress to date 511ko
OFMP II proposed project structure 218ko
OFMP II indicative detailed budget 190ko
OFMP II project management 184ko
OFMP II co-financing 160ko
Information about SPC's Heads of Fisheries Meetings
The SPC Heads of Fisheries Meeting is part of SPC's corporate governance structure. SPC's main governing councils, the biennial Conference of the Pacific Community and the annual Committee of Representatives of Governments and Administrations (CRGA), are the ultimate decision-making bodies for the organisation and decide the strategic direction, annual work-programme and budget. However, SPC is large compared to other Pacific Island regional organisations, and its work-programme covers a number of different sectors. CRGA obtains advice from several sectoral specialist councils, and the Heads of Fisheries meeting is one of these.
The Heads of Fisheries meeting covers both of SPC's Fisheries Programmes: Oceanic and Coastal. It has historically placed more emphasis on Coastal Fisheries Programme (CFP) business than the Oceanic Fisheries Programme (OFP) because the work of the OFP is also guided by several other regional meetings involving member countries, including the Scientific Committee for the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission and the Forum Fisheries Committee. However, HoF is the conduit through which any consensus formal recommendations of SPC member country fisheries specialists reach the SPC CRGA, which itself governs the entire work programme, including both OFP and CFP.
HoF also remains the only opportunity for Pacific Island fisheries heads to generally discuss domestic and reef fisheries issues and problems together, and to provide essential feedback to the direction of the SPC Coastal Fisheries Programme. Although the CFP convenes occasional specialist meetings, such as recent meetings on coastal fisheries management and aquaculture, these are to advise on special topics, and only take place at irregular intervals. The Heads of Fisheries meeting is intended to cover the entire range of work of national and territorial fisheries administrations. It may even discuss issues outside the current range of the SPC work-programme, and this "big-picture" view of fisheries is essential for longer-term planning and is also of considerable assistance to other agencies, regional NGOs and donors interested in national as well as regional issues.